Apulian ceramics are the result of a centuries-long tradition, which dates back to the 17th century. The main processing centers are located in the Taranto area, in the Bari area in places such as Rutigliano and Terlizzi, and in some areas of Salento.
The rooster is therefore identified as a sacred animal, which in addition to representing Mercury can be traced back to other important symbols. In fact, it is considered almost like a pet, able to remove all negative energies and malice from its home. Last, but not least, the characteristic of the famous Apulian cockerel is that it is considered a symbol of fertility.
For centuries our grandmothers have used it for the most common uses such as storing food or washing clothes, this style of decoration called "smamorizzato" or "smamriato" was invented centuries ago by artisans for the simplicity of the decoration. Our "Puglia Design" plate service comes from the union of two decorations: the "smamriato" and the "centinato martinese".
A famous decoration on the typical Apulian ceramics are those with the star design. It is not a real star, but a motif consisting of six dots, which perhaps is more reminiscent of a flower. That motif is also present in the dishes decorated with the rooster, just as it is in the dishes without the rooster. In this case, there will be only the linear decorations on the edges and, in the center, the stylized star, also typical of Puglia.